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102眼において視力の回復が認められた.合併症として,intra ocular lens (以下IOL)の損傷,虹彩からの出血,角膜浮腫,眼圧上昇,虹彩炎,硝子体ヘルニアなどが認められた.虹彩炎はステロイド点眼により,また眼圧上昇はβブロッカー点眼により,1週間後には正常化した.
IOLの損傷は8眼(22.2%)に認められ,しかもreverse optics lensを挿入した5眼は,全例にpit, clackの発生を認めた.
We performed posterior capsulotomies with Q- switched Nd : YAG laser in 105 aphakic and 36 pseudophakic eyes. We encountered complications including : transient rise of IOP over 21 mmHg (4.2%), iritis (3.5%), bleeding from the iris (0.7%), corneal edema (0.7%), vitreous herniation (0.7%). In all the cases with elevated intraocular pressure (IOP), the IOP returned to levels below 20 mmHg within 1 week post laser. Pitting and cracking of the intraocular lens occurred in 8 eyes (22%).
While Nd : YAG laser posterior capsulotomy proved to be safe and effective in general, due preventive measures, including modification inintraocular lens design, seemed to be necessary.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 42(2) : 168-171, 1988

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