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Oculo cerebro vasculometry (OCVM)を脳血管障害の予測に利用できないかと期待し,高血圧症35人69眼を対象に,眼球脈波消失時眼圧(OPCP),初期眼球脈波の振幅(PA)等について検討した.その結果,高血圧症のOPCPは正常と有意差がなく,上腕動脈血圧とOPCPには相関がなかった.また,PAについても,高血圧症と正常との間に有意差がなく,PAと上腕動脈血圧,脈圧,眼圧との相関も認められなかった.高PA群では脈圧が高く,低PA群では眼圧が低く,眼球脈圧に影響する因子は複雑であると考えられる.脳血管障害の予測にOCVMを利用するためには,眼球脈波の成分分析を含めて検討していく必要があると思われた.
We evaluated the ophthalmodynamometric aspects in 69 eyes of 35 subjects with systemic hypertension. We measured the amplitude of initial ocular pulse wave (PA) and the height of intraocular pressure at which the pulse wave becomes extinct (OPCP) with the use of oculocere-bro-vasculometric apparatus (OCVM).
We could confirm no significant differences in OPCP values between hypertensive and normoten-sive subjects. The OPCP values were not correlatedwith systemic blood pressure. There were no signifi-cant differences in PA values between hypertensive and normotensive subjects. The PA values were not correlated with systemic blood pressure, pulse amplitude or intraocular pressure. Because of multiplicity of factors what are involved in OCVM findings, the current techniques are not adequate in assessing the future risk of cerebral cardiovascular attacks.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 41(4) : 401-404, 1987

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.