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眼部悪性腫瘍の術後長期の経過観察が重要であることを示す症例報告として,(1)脈絡膜メラノーマ眼球摘出後10年目に全身転移の発見された症例,(2)網膜芽細胞腫眼球摘出後8年目に全身転移が認められた症例,(3)両眼性網膜芽細胞腫の眼球保存療法後16年目に眼窩にmalig-nant fibrous histiocytomaが発生した症例,(4)涙腺癌摘出後8年目に肺転移が認められた症例を報告した.
Four cases of ophthalmic malignancy are reported to illustrate the importance of longterm follow-up after initial therapeutic success. The cases include : cho-roidal melanoma which was enucleated 10 years before generalized metastasis developed, bilateral retinoblas-toma in which systemic metastasis developed 8 years after enucleation, bilateral retinoblastoma followed by malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the orbit 16 years after successful conservative treatment, and adenoid cystic cancer of the lacrimal gland which was followed by multiple lung metastasis 8 years after successful extirpation.
A nation-wide survey concerning the prognosis of ocular melanomas that were treated more than 5 years before has shown that 111 out of 242 cases were not adequately followed up for 3 years of more after treat-ment. Above cases point to the necessity of a more complete follow-up for at least 10 years after the initial treatment of ophthalmic malignancies.

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