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5例の濾胞性結膜炎患者より生検した結膜濾胞を用い濾胞を構成するリンパ球について検討した.(1)濾胞の中心は細胞表面にIgM・IgDをもつ幼若なB細胞が主体であった.(2) B細胞領域の周囲はT細胞が主体で,helper/inducer T細胞が多くみられた.(3)結膜上皮下にT細胞・形質細胞がみられ,形質細胞の多くはIgA保有細胞であった.結膜上皮細胞に分泌型IgAのsecre-tory componentをみとめた.(4)結膜上皮層ではランゲルハンス細胞およびsuppressor/cytotoxic T細胞が主要な免疫系細胞であった.
We evaluated lymphocyte subsets in conjunctival follicles obtained by biopsy from 5 patients with fol-licular conjunctivitis. We employed the immunoper-oxidsase (ABC) method using monoclonal antibodies against various human leucocyte antigens.
In the center of follicles, B cells predominated bearing surface IgM and IgD. T cells were distributed predomi-nantly in the parafollicular area. Helper/inducer T cells were much more numerous than suppressor/cytotoxic T cells. Numerous plasma cells were distributed in the subepithelial space of the follicles. IgA plasma cells were dominant types. Secretory component of secretory IgA was present in all the epithelial cells of the conjun-ctiva. Langerhans cells and suppressor/cytotoxic T cells were the chief immunocompetent cells in the epithelium. The findings show that the lymphocyte composition in the follicles are similar to that in the Peyer's patches and solitary lymphoid follicles in small intestine in humans. Conjunctival follicles are therefore the site of differentiation of B cells into antibody producing cells, particularly of IgA. Conjunctival follicles seem to play an important role in the secretory immune system of human conjunctiva.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 40(3) : 239-242, 1986

Copyright © 1986, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.