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Impression cytologyにおいて用いるcel-lulose acetateのfilter (MILLIPORE®以下フィルター)に対して滅菌操作〔滅菌(-),EOG,γ線,オートクレーブ〕が及ぼす影響について検討した.フィルターへの結膜上皮の平均接着率は,滅菌(-)の群71.1%,EOG群58.3%,γ線群40.1%,オートクレープ群0.7%であった.それぞれの群のPAS+ヘマトキシリン染色の染色性には差異は認められなかった.オートクレーブにより滅菌したフィルターは他の3群のものと比較し,破損しやすい傾向があった.以上より,臨床検査として用いるのは,EOG滅菌したフィルターが最も望ましいと考えられ,臨床検査に使用し,角結膜疾患の上皮の状態を知りえた.
We evaluated the effect of sterilization procedures applied to the cellulose acetate filter (Millipore) used in impression cytology. We tested four sterilization proce-dures : autoclave, gamma-ray, ethylene oxide gas and non-sterilization. As a standard technique, the filtering paper was first pressed against the lower nasal and lower temporal bulbar conjunctiva to be then peeled off.The rate of adhesion of the conjunctival epithelium to the filtering paper was 71% without sterilization, 58% after EOG sterilization, 40% after gamma-ray and 0.7% after autoclave. Periodic acid Schiff staining and Mayer's hematoxylin staining showed satisfactory results for each of the 4 groups. The filtering paper sterilized by autoclave tended to break during the biopsy procedure.These results indicate that ethylene oxide gas is the most suitable method of sterilization of the filtering paper.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 40(3) : 209-212. 1986

Copyright © 1986, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.