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「新しいモノバクタム系抗生剤」Aztreonam (AZT)を細菌性眼感染症に臨床応用して,有用性と安全性を検討した.
分離菌別有効率ではK.pneumoniae, H.influenzae, S.marcescens, E.cloacaeには100%,P.aeruginosa 83.3%であった.
初診時検出されたK.pneumoniae, S.marcescens, P.aeruginosa, P.mirabilisにすぐれた抗菌力を示し,Cefmetazole (CMZ), Cefoperazone (CPZ), Latamoxef (LMOX), Ceftazidime(CAZ),およびCefsulodin (CFS)に比べてより高い感受性を示した.副作用は1例にもみられず,臨床検査値に異常を示したものはなかった.
We treated 20 cases with ocular infections using systemic aztreonam, a newly developed monobactam antibiotic agent. The cases included palpebral phle-gmon ( 2 cases), acute dacryocystitis ( 4 ), chronic dacryocystitis ( 6 ), corneal infiltration ( 1 ), cor-neal ulcer ( 4 ), purulent iridocyclitis ( 2) and orbital infection ( 1 ). Aztreonam was administered as intravenous drip at the daily dosis of 1 or 2 grams either once or twice daily.
The treatment was judged as excellent in 4 cases, good in 13 and fair in 3 cases, indicating an over-all rate of efficacy of 85%. It showed a 100% effi-cacy rate isolated pathogenic organisms including K. pneumoniae, H. infiuenzae, S. marcescens and E. cloa-cae. It was effective in 83% of cases infected by P. aeruginosa. Aztreonam showed excellent antimi-crobial activity to the initially isolated K. pneumoniae, S. marcescens, P. aeruginosa and P. mirabilis. These organisms showed higher susceptibility to atzreonam than CMZ, CPZ, LMOX, CAZ or CFS.
No clinical side effects nor abnormal laboratory date were observed throughout the clinical study. Aztreonam is considered to be a useful and safe injectable antibiotic agent in the treatment of ocular infections caused by gram-negative bacilli.

Copyright © 1985, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.