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A 82-year-old male developed blurring of vision in his left eye. Funduscopv of the affected eye showed narrowing of retinal artery, macular edema and scat-tered retinal hemorrhages. Fluorescein angiography led to the diagnosis of central retinal vein occlusion and insufficiency of both central retinal and cilio-retinal arteries. Extensive capillary nonperfusion eventually developed, while the venous stasis and hemorrhages were less severe than in typical hem-orrhagic retinopathy. The insufficiency of ciliore-tinal artery became improved along with formation of an opticociliary vein. Retinal hemorrhage along the cilioretinal artery showed an increase.The course of events were interpreted by the following hypothesis. Central retinal artery occlu-sion would have induced stagnation and then occlu-sion of the central retinal vein. A decrease of pres-sure gradient between the cilioretinal artery and the occluded central retinal vein would lead to cilioretinal arterial insufficiency. The observed reti-nal hemorrhages after formation of optico-ciliary vein might be due to increased intraluminal pres-sure secondary to improved circulation in the cilio-retinal artery.
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