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家族性滲出性網膜硝子体症(famillial exudative vitreoretinopathy FEVRと略称)に合併する網膜剥離の病態を明らかにするために,自験例86例について網膜剥離の臨床像を検索した。さらに網膜剥離全体の中で原因疾患としての本症の位置づけを試みた。
We attempted to clarify the role of familial ex-udative vitreoretinopathy (FEVR) as an underlying cause for retinal detachment through an analysis of consecutive series of 86 cases of FEVR, of which 42 cases manifested retinal detachments. Particular attention was paid to the characteristic retinal vascular pattern in the diagnosis of FEVR.
The retinal detachment in FEVR occurred either as rhegmatogcnous or tractional. Rhegmatogenous detachment outnumbered tractional ones by 7 to 4 (29 eyes versus 17). Tractional detachment was most frequent under 10 years of age (66%).

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