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穿孔性眼外傷6例(硝子体混濁4例,牽引性網膜剥離2例),巨大裂孔3例(うち2例はmassive pre-retinal proliferationを合併),中心静脈枝血栓症2例,糖尿病性網膜症1例の計12症例に対しsubtotal open-sky vitrectomyを施行し,手術方法,手術成績ならびに術後合併症につき報告した。特に巨大裂孔に対しては,直視下で10-0ナイロンによる網膜直接縫合術を行った。12症例中9例(75%)は術後5ヵ月間以上良好に経過し,0.1以上の視力が得られた。術後合併症としては,眼球萎縮2例,出血性緑内障1例,角膜新生血管1例が認められた。Subtotal open-sky vitrectomyは,適応症例を十分に検討して行うならば有用な手術方法であることを述べた。
We performed subtotal open-sky vitrectomy in 12 cases including : vitreous opacity (4 eyes) and tractional retinal detachment (2 eyes) following penetrating ocular injury, giant retinal tear (3 eyes), in which massive preretinal proliferation was also present in 2 eyes, branch retinal vein occlusion (2 eyes) and diabetic retinopathy (1 eye). This surgical procedure was adopted only four cases in which conventional pars plana vitrectomy did not seem to be appropriate.
When evaluated 5 months postsurgically, 9 out of the 12 cases (75%) did well and maintained visual acuity of 0.1 or more.

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