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Epinephrine (EP)点眼により副作用のみられた症例を主として,Dipivalyl epi—nephrine (DPE)点眼で副作用がどのように現われるかを検討し,あわせて眼圧下降作用をみた。EP点眼によるアレルギー性眼瞼皮膚炎34例において,DPE点眼では4例(12%)は同様の症状で中止したが,30例(88%)は無症状か軽症で継続使用可能であった。結膜充血,アレルギー性結膜炎,鼻粘膜刺激症状,頭痛でも,DPEでは副作用例ははるかに少数であった。眼圧下降作用については0.1%DPE点眼は1.25%EPと同程度かそれ以上の効果があると思われる。
Topical instillation of 0.1% dipivalyl epinephrine (DPE) was applied to 34 glaucoma cases who de-veloped allergic blepharitis by epinephrine eye-drops. DPE instillation was well tolerated with-out any allergic signs in 19 cases (58%). Slight dermatitis developed initially in 11 cases (30%). It disappeared in 5 of them during subsequent con-tinuous use. Use of DPE had to be discontinued in 4 cases (12%) due to dermatitis which was es-sentially similar to that caused by epinephrine. DPE instillation has thus been continued in 30 cases except the 4 cases above.
Copyright © 1981, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.