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同時視の不良な斜視患者30名にGoldmannPerimeterおよびPhase Difference Haploscopcを使用してSuppression scotoma とJump sup-presionの定量的測定を試みたところ,Scotomaよりも,Jumpの証明される症例の方が多く,Goldmann PerimeterとPhase Difference Haplo-scopeの成績は,必ずしも一致しないが,いずれでも測定可能な面積をもつJump域が証明された。間歇性外斜視に比較して内斜視にJumpsuppressionが多くSuppression scotomaも内斜視に多かった。またGoldmann PerimeterにてJump suppression, Suppression scotomaを認める症例の静的視野を測定したところ,Jump域にて閾値の沈下を,Scotomaにて視標の完全な消失をみた。
Thirty cases of strabismus were determined quan-titatively for the suppression scotoma and jump suppression by the use of Goldmann perimeter and phase difference haploscope. The results indicated that jump was demonstrated more frequently than scotoma and that measurements with Goldmann peri meter were not necessarily in agreement with those with the phase difference haploscope. With either of the devices, however, jump suppression was demonstrable as a jump zone of measurable area. In this jump area, depression of the threshold was recorded with static measurments by the use of the Goldmann perimeter.

Copyright © 1980, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.