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京大眼科葡萄膜疾患外来で治療中の患者208例322眼のうち,9例9眼に網膜裂孔を認めた。これは治療眼の2.8%にあたる。このうち黄斑円孔は3例3眼(治療眼の0,9%),周辺部裂孔は6例6眼(治療眼の1.9%)であつた。黄斑円孔の3眼は葡萄膜炎の反復経過中に嚢腫様浮腫,lamel-lar hole, full thickness holeと典型的な経過をとり,葡萄膜炎の合併症とみなしうる。一方周辺部裂孔は特発性のものとの判別が困難であつた。裂孔発現眼9眼のうち4眼はベーチェット病患者であり,罹患期間も考慮せねばならないが,ベーチェット病患者に裂孔が発現しやすいものと推察された。
We studied 322 eyes of 208 uveitis patients who were under treatment at the uveitis clinic of Kyoto University Hospital as of 31th Oct. 1978. Retinal breaks ere found in 9 cases of the examined eyes (2.8%). Three of the 9 cases were macular holes and the others were peripheral breaks. These three macular holes included two lamellar holes and one full thickness hole, which appeared during thecourse of the uveitis treatment. It was concluded that the macular holes were direct complication of uveits. On the other hand, peripheral breaks did not seem to be dependent on uveitis.

Copyright © 1980, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.