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(1)血管病変の広がりと治療成績を比較すると,xenon光凝固群,argon laser光凝固群ともに,病変の広がりが狭いほど効果が大きく,病変が2象限以内の症例ではxenon光凝固群は15眼中12眼(80%),argon laser光凝固群は9眼中8眼(88.9%)に著効が得られた。病変が2象限以上の広い範囲におよんだ進行例では,両群ともに不変および無効例が多かつた。
(2)血管病変の広がりと最終受診時視力との関係についても,病変が2象限以内の場合,xenon光凝固群は,15眼中7眼(46.7%),argon laser光凝固群は9眼中5眼(55.6%)に0.6以上の視力を保持できた。
Forty eyes with Coats disease were treated with xenon arc and argon laser photocoagulation and were observed for a period of more than 6 months (the mean observation time: 28 months). Twenty-four eyes were treated with xenon arc photocoagulation and 12 eyes were treated with argon laser photocoagulation.
1) In cases with vascular involvement of less than two quadrants, 12 (80%) of 15 eyes treated with xenon and 8 (89%) of 9 eyes treated with argon laser resulted in remarkable effects. Seven (47%) of 15 eyes treated with xenon and 5 (56%) of 9 eyes treated with argon laser resulted in useful visual acuity of more than 0.6.

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