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緒 言
このたび,著者は,両眼の視野異常に加え,片眼の眼球突出を示した患者について,従来のX線検査によつて,頭蓋咽頭腫を見出すと共に,ACTA scannerおよびEMI scannerの二つの機種によるComputed Tomography (以下CTと呼ぶ)を施行することによつて,眼球突出を示す眼の眼窩壁の直後に明らかな嚢胞の存在を確認できた。この嚢胞は,眼窩壁を圧迫し眼球突出の原因となつていると考えられた。
This paper describes a 7-year-old male child with decreased visual acuity, mild exophthalmos in the left eye and right homonymous hemiano-psia.
Conventional x-ray examinations revealed the presence of craniopharyngioma. Computed tomo-graphies (ACTA & EMI) showed a subarachnoid cyst in the left middle fossa and forward displ-acement of the orbital wall. The exophthalmos seemed to be due to the deformity of the orbital wall induced by the cyst. The diagnosis of the present complicated case was only possible with the use of computed tomography.

Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.