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皮膚又は粘膜が侵され,同時に眼症状を伴う疾患には,古来その研究者により種々の名称が附せられていたが,1950年Robinsonは之等をmuco—cutaneo—ocular Syndromeなる名称に一括することを提唱した。而してSchreck或は北村等は夫々の研究的立場から,之等の症候群を三群に大別している。私共が最近経験した症例は皮膚口内炎を伴つた結膜下組織の異常増殖の症例で,一応皮膚粘膜眼症候群の範疇に入るとも思われるが,北村等の分類の中には入れ難く,又天疱瘡或は真菌症ともよく似た所見があるが,それ等の何れとも確証を得るに至らなかつたが,今迄の文献紙上には見当らない症例であると思うのでここに報告する。
The patient was a male farmer of 57 age. He had pyodermia on his nape for a long time, and it became worse from the early 57 age and at the same time the discharges were recognized in both eyes. And then, the visual acuity was impaired and the stoma-titis also became manifest.
After then, for 6 months, the patient was treated by an eye-doctor but the complaints were not relieved and came to the authors' eye-clinic. At the first examination, the findings were as follows :-

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