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ビタミンB2には狭義のビタミンB2であるリボフラビン(FR)及びその燐酸エステルであるflavin mononucleotide(FMN),flavin adenindinucleotide(FAD)があり,之等3者をフラビンと総称し高等動物体内では夫々の型で存している。さて之等各型の中でFADが最も多く高等動物体内に存在すると言う成績が八木の論文に見られる。又船津の角膜新陳代謝に関する実験的研究によれば上記各型の中FADが角膜酸素消費能を著明に増加させるがFR,FMNでは角膜組織呼吸への影響を殆んど認めないと言う事である。
Fifty one cases of various diseases of lids, conjunctiva and cornea were treated with Flavitan ophthalmic ointment containing 1mg FAD per gramme.
Improvement was seen in thirty eight cases.
The ointment showed remarkble effects on some blepharitis, epidemic keratoconjunctivits and superficial diffuse keratitis and was also effetive to other corneal diseases.
In the case of superficial punctate keratitis, however, effective improvement was not seen when only the ointment was used.
Side effects were almost not observed.

Copyright © 1960, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.