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従来本態性高血圧症に関する研究は枚挙にいとまなく,その網膜中心血管血圧に関しては,Magitôt(1922, 1931),Koch (1941),Espildora(1948),菅沼(1936),長谷部(1936),米山(1955)等多数の報告があるが,その多くは全身血圧と網膜中心血管血圧との関係のみを報告し,之れに眼底変化を考慮して検討した者は僅かにKoch (1941),米山(1955)のみである。本報告は此の点に就いて意義ありと信ずる。
The author counted the blood pressure in the retinal central blood vessel for 120 eyes of 60 cases with essential hypertension by means of Niigata Univ. type fundus sphygmom-anometer, and examined the results statistically with relation to the changes in the fundus (in Keith-Wagener's classification).
1. There is a significant, straight relation (for maximun and minimum blood pressure) between the blood pressure in the retinal central artery and the changes in the fundus;the increase in the former will bring about the latter's.
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