

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


AN AUTOPSY CASE OF COCKAYNE'S SYNDROME Susumu Ando 1 , Toyoji Toita 2 1National Musashi Research Institute of Mental and Nervous Disease 2National Chichibu-Gakuen pp.243-250
Published Date 1974/2/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406203505
  • Abstract
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1. Clinical symptoms : Patient became ill at the age of 3. Symptoms noted were dwarfism, micro-cephaly, extreme emaciation, low auricles, con-tracture of both pelvic limbs, deafness and retarded mental development. Patient died of pneumonia at the age of 11-5/6 following a course of extremely slow progress of the disease.

2. The brain weighed 490 g. Although it was extremely small in size, it was well balanced, and its gyri were in a satisfactory condition. Its white matter was shrunk, having irregular-shaped and patchy demyelinated foci. The demyelinated foci were most markedly present in the deeper cortical layers and subcortical white matter, but they spread all over the brain white matter such as centrum semiovale, internal capsules, cerebellum and brain stem. The boundaries were indistinguishable, and masses of myelinated fibers were observed in that foci. The axon was preserved in a relatively good condition, and only a limited number of sudano-philic granules were recognized. Over the entire area of the brain grey matter, there were Alzheimer II type neuroglial cell. Marked calcium deposits were noted in basal ganglia.

3. Judging from the clinical symptoms, and course of the patient and pathological findings of the brain, it is presumed that this case belongs to Cockayne's syndrome.

4. To establish a neuropathological differential diagnosis of this case, the sequelae of perivenous encephalitis, inflammatory diffuse sclerosis, micro-encephaly with cerebral calcification and leuco-dystrophy were discussed.

5. It was pointed out as a particular character-istic of this disease that demyelinated foci similar to those of Pelizaeus-Merzbacher's disease were also present in the brain of this case.

Copyright © 1974, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


