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すでに古くから,視野およびマリオット盲点の測定についていろいろの研究報告があるが,今回,われわれはTubinger Perimeter (Harms'Perimeter)を用い,一定条件下(背面輝度1asb暗順応30分1asbに対する明順応15分,固視標赤10′,0〜7°まで16asb,9°より100asb,中心部2°赤色4点視標,検査視標白色12′,露出時間1秒,径線は7.5°ずつ特にマリオット盲点上下周辺部は3.75°)の視野,マリオット盲点の位置づけ面積などの測定を行なつた。
The 5th symposium on visual field convenedon Nov. 11, 1967, concurrently with the Annual Congress of Clinical Ophthalmology in Tokyo. Following 6 topics were discussed upon.
1. Standard values for the blind spot as stu-died by Harms' perimeter.
2. Static perimetric findings in 6 families of retinitis pigmentosa.
3. Objective assessment of visual field with the use of modified fundus camera.
4. Estimation of threshold for luminosity for various central retinal areas.
5. Correlation of ERG and static perimetric findings in retinitis pigmentosa.
6. Clinical experiments of skiaskotometry.

Copyright © 1968, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.