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慢性硬膜下血腫の発生頻度は報告により多少異なるが,space-occupying lesionの1% (Tonnis),37% (Cushing), 5% (Nordlie), 65%(Klug), 7% (Krayenbuhl & Noto),等の報告がある4)。一方本邦の佐野等は,1546例の脳腫瘍中,慢性硬膜下血腫が55例あり,3.4%をしめると報告している5)。又硬膜下血腫は頭蓋内のどの部分にでも発生し,一側のみならず両側性にも発生する。外国文献では両側性に現われる頻度が比較的多いが,本邦に於いては少ないという事も興味深い点である。
One case of 56-year-old male with large bilateral subdural hematoma was reported.
The ocular findings of this case showed bilateral papilledema, retinal hemorrhages and no pupillar abnormalities. In the past history of this patient, there was a head trauma without unconsciousness, which was not defined to be a cause in terms of the subdural hematoma from the following clini-cal findings. No vascular lesions and ab-normalities were found in the operation. An intracranial pressure markedly increased prior to the operation, although the cytological and chemical findings of cerebrospinal fluid were completely normal.

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