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遺伝性疾患の遺伝的保因者(genetic carrier:以下単にcarrierと云う)を発見することは,臨床遺伝学を研究する者にとつて重要且つ興味ある課題の一つである。眼科領域に於ては,遺伝疾患が多く,特に先天性色覚異常はその大部分が遺伝型式も明かで異常形質についても多くの研究がなされているがcarrierについての報告は少い。
A saturation discrimination test, using color chips made by the Japan Color Research Insti-tute, was carried out on twenty-one school children having color vision defects as well as on thier mothers considered as genetic car-riers. A control test was made on ten normal adults.
Twenty-one color chips were prepared for each one of three groups whose dominant wave-lengths were 575mn (Hue No.8) 497mn (Hue No.13) and 490mn (Hue No.14) respe-ctively. In each group, every chip had a diff-erent saturation the lightness being the same. The examinees were made to arrange them in order of satutation.
The results were as follows :

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