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柳沢(文)(昭30)は氏考案の血清透析性カルシウム定量法〔Mc Lean (1935)の理論値に近似であるという〕によりParotinの血清カルシウム低下作用について実験し,血清透析性カルシウムを測定した方が正確な含有力値が得られると思うと述べ,次いでVitamin Cにおける石灰沈着作用と比較し,Parotinの方がVitamin Cより作用機序が長時間であると思うと述べている。
Parotin is the salivary gland hormon com-mercial preparation (by Teikoku zoki co.) and was carefully examind for its biological acti-vity for decreasing serem calcium in rabbits.
The authours clinic had a treatment of 26 cases of senile primary cataracts with Paro-tin form 7 months to about 2 years.
Parotin 3mg. solution was injected intram-usculary once a week until 20times, when necessaly, was continued more injection bythe case.
The effect were obteined as follows ;1) In the examination of visual acuity, visual improvement in 13 cases, slight impro-vement 7 cases and nochange or slight decre-ase in 6 cases.

Copyright © 1962, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.