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1955年Jawetz氏が流行性角結膜炎患者(以下EKCと略)からAdeno-virus 8型を分離して以来,諸学者の精力的な研究が続けられ,1959年日眼総会のシンポジアムで杉浦,三井,大石氏等によつてEKCの病原体は主にAdeno-virus 8型であると結論されたことは周知の通りである。
The author observed 129 cases with the epidemic kerato-conjunctivitis during the period from Oct. 1959 till Sept. 1960.
1) Of the patients, the male was 79 and the female 50. As for the age, the number of the young patients was the most and that of the patients of 1~10 years old age was the next and that over 40 was the least.
2) Among 100 cases who were kept to treat, the so-called pseudo-membrane were seen in 16 cases and 19 cases accompanied the punctate superficial keratitis.
3) Of the 19 cases with tha keratitis, the change spontaneously disappeared within 2 weeks in 11 cases, but the other 8 cases were subjected to treatment.

Copyright © 1962, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.