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要約 目的:初診時年齢から20年を経た各年齢層において,他覚的屈折度数がいかに変化するかを年代ごとに調査した。対象と方法:眼科の1診療所において初診時が10~60歳代の各年代を対象に,他覚的検査器オートレフを用いて球面屈折度数,乱視度数,等価球面度数について経過を観察したうち,20年間を追うことのできた合計1,885眼の変化をみた。結果:初診時年齢30歳代を境に屈折度区分の近視側から遠視側への移行がみられた。乱視度数は年代にかかわらず増加した。結論:多数の症例の経過をみることにより,若年層は近視側・乱視へ移行する者が多いが,30歳代以上は遠視側・乱視へ移行する者が多く,過矯正の眼鏡による弊害も確認できた。
Abstract. Purpose:To report changes in objectively measured refraction for 20 years since the initial examination. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 1,850 eyes that were followed up for 20 years. The refraction was evaluated using an automated refractometer. The cases were subdivided into 6 groups representing each decade at the initial visit. Results:There was a tendency for refraction for myopia and myopic astigmatism to shift towards hyperopia and hyperopic astigmatism in cases seen at 30 year or over at the initial examination. Conclusion:There was a predominance of myopia and myopic astigmatism in persons of third decade or under and in predominance of hyperopia and hyperopic astigmatism over 30 years of age. Use of overcorrected spectacles seemed to be one of the underlying factors.

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