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要約 目的:黄斑円孔に網膜分離が併発した3症例の報告。症例:黄斑円孔に網膜分離が発症した3症例はいずれも片眼性で,年齢は55,70,81歳であった。罹患眼の屈折は,それぞれ-21D,-3D,0Dで,眼軸長は約30mm,24mm,22mmであった。強度近視がある1例では,7年間の経過観察で中心窩分離から中心窩剝離,黄斑円孔網膜剝離に進展した。他の2例では,光干渉断層計で乳頭小窩症候群と異なる所見を示し,SF6を併用する硝子体切除術で円孔は閉鎖しなかった。結論:中心窩分離には前後方向の硝子体牽引が関与していると推定され,黄斑円孔とは鑑別する必要がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report 3 cases of retinoschisis with macular hole formation. Cases:Macular lesions were unilateral in all the 3 cases. They were aged 55, 70 and 81 years each. Refraction of the affected eye was -21, -3 and 0 diopters respectively. Length of ocular axis was 30 mm, 24 mm and 22 mm respectively. In one case with high myopia, initial foveoschisis turned into macular detachment and macular hole during 7 years of observation. The other 2 cases showed OCT findings different from pit-macular syndrome. Vitreous surgery with gas tamponade failed to induce closure of macular hole. Conclusion:Anteroposterior traction may be involved as the cause of foveoschisis. This entity is to be differentiated from macular hole formation.

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