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要約 目的:後部硝子体剝離を契機として,中心窩分離症と黄斑剝離が自発寛解した症例の報告。症例:強度近視がある71歳女性が,2年前に白内障手術を両眼に受けた。左眼後囊が破損し眼内レンズが偏位したので整復を希望して受診した。所見:矯正視力は右1.2,左0.7であり,眼軸長は右24.73mm,左29.26mmであった。左眼眼内レンズの偏位を整復し,視力は0.7に改善した。2年後に左眼視力が0.1に低下し,左眼の中心窩分離症と黄斑剝離がその原因と推定された。1年後に黄斑剝離は自然寛解した。特発性の後部硝子体剝離がその原因と推定された。結論:本症例の強度近視眼に生じた中心窩分離症と黄斑剝離は,後部硝子体膜の牽引で生じ,その剝離に伴って軽快したと解釈される。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of foveoschisis and macular detachment that spontaneously improved following posterior vitreous detachment. Case:A 71-year-old woman had received cataract surgery in both eyes 2 years before. She presented with deviated intraocular lens(IOL)after rupture of posterior capsule in the left eye. Findings:Corrected visual acuity was 1.2 right and 0.7 left. The axial length was 24.73 mm in the right eye and 29.26 mm in the left. Correction of deviated IOP resulted in visual acuity of 0.7 in the left eye. Left visual acuity decreased to 0.1 two years later, apparently due to foveal retinoschisis and macular detachment. The macular lesion spontaneously disappeared one year later, presumably due to spontaneous detachment of posterior vitreous. Conclusion:Traction by posterior vitreous membrane was the probable cause of improvement of foveal retinoschisis and macular detachment in the present case, as the macular lesion disappeared after detachment of posterior vitreous.

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