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要約 目的:近視性脈絡膜新生血管(CNV)に対するベバシズマブの硝子体内投与後2年間の結果の報告。症例:近視性CNV 37例38眼を対象とした。女性31例,男性6例で,年齢は39~80歳,平均60歳であった。屈折は-6.30~-20.50D,平均-11.50Dであった。視力はlogMARとして評価した。結果:投与前の平均視力は0.61±0.42で,3か月後には0.39±0.31,6か月後には0.35±0.27,2年後には0.45±0.36と,いずれも有意に改善した(p<0.05)2年間の平均投与回数は2.1±1.4回であった。重回帰分析では,治療前視力,発症年齢,CNVの位置が視力の転帰に関係した。結論:近視性CNVに対するベバシズマブの硝子体内投与は,術後2年間にわたり有意な視力改善を示した。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome during 2 years after intravitreal injection of bevacizumab for choroidal neovascularization in myopic eyes. Cases:This retrospective study was made on 38 eyes of 37 patients who received intravitreal injection of bevacizumab for myopic choroidal neovascularization. The series comprised 31 females and 6 males. The age ranged from 39 to 80 years, average 60 years. Refraction ranged from -6.3 to -20.5 diopters, average -11.5 diopters. Visual acuity was evaluated in terms of logMAR. Results:Visual acuity averaged 0.61±0.42 before treatment. It averaged 0.39±0.31 after 3 months, 0.35±0.27 after 6 months, and 0.45±0.36 after 2 years. All the values were significant when compared with the value before treatment(p<0.05). The treatment was repeated 2.1±1.4 times when averaged for each eye during the period of 2 years. Multiple regression analysis showed visual acuity before treatment, age of patient and location of CNV as significant factors related with the visual outcome. Conclusion:Intravitreal injection of bevacizumab resulted in significantly improved visual acuity in eyes with myopic CNV.

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