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要約 目的:網膜血管腫に対して硝子体手術を行った4例の報告。症例:過去5年間に網膜血管腫とその合併症に対して硝子体手術を行った4例4眼を診療録の記載に基づいて検索した。男性1例と女性3例で,年齢は36,50,52,55歳であった。所見と経過:網膜血管腫は3眼では血管増殖性腫瘍(vasoproliferative tumor),1眼ではvon Hippel病であった。いずれも孤立性で,網膜赤道部にあり,大きさは2~4.5乳頭径であった。4眼に網膜剝離,2眼に黄斑上膜が併発した。2眼に流入血管の光凝固,2眼に経瞳孔的温熱療法を行い,その後,硝子体手術による眼内ジアテルミーを3眼,血管腫の部分切除を2眼,全切除を1眼に実施した。網膜は全例で復位し,ジアテルミーのみの1眼では血管腫が再発した。結論:網膜血管腫に対して,腫瘍の部分切除が奏効することがある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report 4 cases of retinal capillary hemangioma treated by pars plana vitrectomy. Cases:Four cases were treated for complications of retinal capillary hemangioma in the past 5 years. The series comprised one male and 3 females and were aged 36, 50, 52 and 55 years respectively. All were unilaterally affected. Findings:Retinal capillary hemangioma was identified with vasoproliferative tumor in 3 cases and with von Hippel disease in one. The hemangioma was solitary in all the cases and was located in the equator. Its size was between 2 and 4.5 disc diameters. Retinal detachment developed in 4 eyes and epiretinal membrane in two. Photocoagulation of feeding vessels was applied in 2 eyes and transpupillary thermotherapy in 2 eyes. All the eyes then received vitrectomy with intraocular diathermy in 3 eyes, partial resection in 2 eyes, and total resection in one. The retina became reattached in all the 4 eyes. Hemangioma recurred in one eye that was treated by diathermy only. Conclusion:The present cases show that partial resection may be effective for retinal capillary hemangioma.
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