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要約 目的:光線力学的療法が奏効した網膜星状細胞腫の症例の報告。症例:27歳女性が2年前からの右眼視力低下で受診した。矯正視力は右0.7,左1.2で,右眼の乳頭耳側に2.5乳頭径の黄白色の隆起があり,光干渉断層計(OCT)で網膜剝離を伴っていた。5年後に腫瘤の隆起は3.5mmになり,眼底下方の胞状網膜剝離が生じ,視力が0.03に低下した。眼底所見とその経過から網膜星状細胞腫と診断した。計3回の光線力学的療法を行い,5か月後に腫瘤の高さが1.5mmに減少し,網膜剝離は消失し,視力は0.03に維持された。結論:網膜星状細胞腫に対する光線力学的療法は有効であった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of retinal astrocytoma treated by photodynamic therapy. Case:A 27-year-old woman presented with impaired vision in the right eye since 2 years before. Corrected visual acuity was 0.7 right and 1.2 left. The right fundus showed a yellowish-white elevation of 2.5 disc diameters temporal to the disc. Optical coherence tomograph showed serous retinal detachment around the lesion. Height of the tumor increased to 3.5 mm 5 years later with bullous retinal detachment. Visual acuity decreased to 0.03. The findings led to the diagnosis of retinal astrocytoma. Three sessions of photodynamic therapy was followed by decreased height of the tumor to 1.5 mm 5 months later. Bullous retinal detachment disappeared with visual acuity maintained at 0.03. Conclusion:Photodynamic therapy was effective for retinal astrocytoma.

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