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要約 目的:けいれん発作を伴う両眼同時視神経炎で若年者に初発した多発性硬化症の報告。症例:15歳男児に2か月前からてんかん様のけいれんと意識消失発作が計7回あった。3日前からの両眼視力低下で受診した。所見と経過:矯正視力は左右とも0.04であり,視神経乳頭の発赤・腫脹が両眼にあった。両眼に中心暗点と半盲様の視野欠損があった。磁気共鳴画像検査(MRI)で大脳皮質と視神経に脱髄病巣があり,多発性硬化症と両眼視神経炎が疑われた。ステロイドパルス療法で視力と視野は軽快した。けいれん発作について神経内科で再精査し,多発性硬化症の診断が確定した。結論:若年者の多発性硬化症では,けいれん発作で初発し,経過中に両眼同時に視神経炎が発症することがある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a child of multiple sclerosis with epileptic seizures and bilateral optic neuritis as initial manifestations. Case:A 15-year-old boy had had seven episodes of epileptic seizure and loss of consciousness during the past 2 months. He was referred to us for bilateral visual loss since 3 days before. Findings and Clinical Course:His corrected visual acuity was 0.04 in either eye. Both eyes showed swelling and hyperemia of optic disc with central and sector-shaped scotoma. Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)showed foci of demyalination in the cerebral cortex and optic nerve. After temporary improvement following pulsed corticosteroid therapy, another epileptic seizure led to the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. Conclusion:Epileptic seizures and optic neuritis may be initial manifestations of multiple sclerosis in a child.

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