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要約 目的:牽引性網膜剝離が生じた真菌性眼内炎に対し,網膜切除と網膜下肉芽腫を摘出した症例の報告。症例:57歳男性が左眼の眼内炎で紹介され受診した。12週間前に食道癌の手術と経中心静脈高カロリー輸液を受け,真菌感染による熱発があった。所見:矯正視力は右1.0,左0.8で,左眼に硝子体混濁と下鼻側周辺部に牽引性網膜剝離を伴う腫瘤があった。抗真菌薬が奏効せず,13日後に硝子体手術を行った。牽引性網膜剝離を復位させるために腫瘤の周囲の網膜を切除し,肉芽腫様の腫瘤を切除した。液空気置換,光凝固とガスタンポナーデを行い,牽引性網膜剝離は復位した。摘出した肉芽腫にはリンパ球と形質細胞の浸潤があり,真菌は検出されなかった。結論:真菌性眼内炎において抗真菌薬が使われていても,眼内肉芽腫形成による牽引性網膜剝離があれば,消炎と網膜復位のために硝子体手術と肉芽腫切除が奏効することがある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of fungal endophthalmitis with traction retinal detachment treated by excision of subretinal granuloma by retinotomy. Case:A 57-year-old male was referred to us for endophthalmitis in the left eye. He had received surgery for esophagus cancer followed by intravenous hyperalimentation 12 weeks before. He had developed fever due to fungal infection. Findings:Corrected visual acuity was 1.0 right and 0.8 left. The left eye showed vitreous opacity and a granulomatous tumor in the inferior temporal periphery with traction retinal detachment. After antifungal medications,the left eye received vitreous surgery 13 days later. The granulomatous lesion was excised by retinotomy. The retina became reattached after gas tamponade. Excised granuloma showed infiltration by lymphocytes and plasma cells. No fungus was isolated. Conclusion:This case illustrates that vitrectomy with retinotomy and excision of granuloma may be effective for fungal endophthalmitis with traction retinal detachment.

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