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要約 目的:強膜炎を契機として梅毒とヒト免疫不全ウイルス(HIV)が発見された症例の報告。症例:30歳男性が3週間前からの左眼の充血を主訴として受診した。海外渡航歴とペットの飼育歴はなかった。所見:結節性強膜炎が左眼の上耳側にあり,顔面と上肢に皮疹があった。点眼薬は奏効せず,壊死性強膜炎になった。初診から10日後にHIV感染と梅毒血清反応陽性が判明した。駆梅療法と多剤併用療法で皮膚所見は軽快し,強膜は菲薄化を残して治癒した。結論:結節性強膜炎は梅毒の第三期に好発するゴム腫であった可能性がある。梅毒とHIVによる混合感染では,病変が重篤化または非典型的な経過をとりうることに留意する必要がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of scleritis who was eventually diagnosed with syphilis and human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)infection. Case:A 30-year-old male presented with hyperemia in the left eye since 3 weeks before. He had no history of traveling overseas or of keeping pets. Findings:The left eye showed nodular scleritis in the upper temporal sector. Skin eruptions were present in the face and upper extremities. Treatment with topical medications was followed by necrotic scleritis. He was found positive for syphilis and HIV 10 days after his initial visit. Treatment for syphilis and highly active antiretroviral therapy(HAART)resulted in cure of skin lesions leaving thinning of the sclera. Conclusion:Scleral lesion in the present case appears to have been gumma characteristic to the third stage of syphilis. Mixed infection by syphilis and HIV may result in severe or atypical manifestations of the disease.

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