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要約 背景:遠隔地の眼科診療施設間で眼底画像を交換する診療相談システムには,設備投資が必要であり,まだ実用化されていない。目的:携帯電話で眼底情報を通信する可能性の報告。方法:発光ダイオードを使った照明装置を携帯電話機に取り付け,+14Dまたは+20Dのレンズで倒像眼底撮影を行った。模型眼と摘出豚眼を対象とした。結果:瞳孔径が6mm以上であると,眼底出血が判別できる画像が得られた。結論:携帯電話による眼底撮影が可能であり,これによる画像送信が期待できる。
Abstract. Background:Transmission of fundus images from clinics in remote areas has been attempted but is not utilized due to material and financial problems. Purpose:To report the possibility to transmit fundus images using conventional mobile phones with minor modifications. Method:A makeshift fundus camera was produced by patching an illuminating system using light-emitting diode(LED). This camera was used to photograph the fundus through convex lenses of plus 14 or 20 diopters as in indirect ophthalmoscopy. A model eye and enucleated porcine eyes were used as materials. Results:Fundus pictures were obtained that were clear enough to identify retinal hemorrhages. Conclusion:There is a possibility to use mobile phones in the transmission of fundus images from clinics in remote areas.

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