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要約 目的:Avellino角膜ジストロフィに対する治療的レーザー角膜切除術(PTK)の術後再発の報告。対象と方法:過去9年8か月間に本症と診断し,PTKを行った症例のうち,1年以上の経過が観察できた75例108眼を対象とし,再発率,再発時期,再発の病状を検索した。結果:再発は44眼(41%)にあり,平均46か月後に発症した。その病状は,照射縁付近のびまん性混濁29眼(66%),照射領域内のびまん性混濁12眼(27%),照射領域内の顆粒状混濁3眼(7%)の3型に大別できた。結論:Avellino角膜ジストロフィに対する治療的レーザー角膜切除術は有効な治療手段であるが,混濁の再発が起こることがある。混濁には3型があり,必ずしも視力低下にはならない。
Abstract. Purpose:To describe recurrence after phototherapeutic keratectomy for Avellino corneal dystrophy. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 108 eyes of 75 patients who received phototherapeutic keratectomy for Avellino corneal dystrophy during the past 9 years 8 months and who were followed up for one year or longer. Results:Corneal dystrophy recurred in 44 eyes(41%)after an average of 46 months. There were three types of corneal opacity:diffuse opacity adjacent to area of ablation in 29 eyes(66%), diffuse opacity within area of ablation 12 eyes(27%), and granular opacity in the area of ablation in 3 eyes(7%). Conclusion:Phototherapeutic keratectomy is effective for Avellino corneal dystrophy but recurrence may occur. There are three types of recurrence of corneal opacity. Recurrence may or may not induce impaired visual acuity.

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