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要約 白内障手術後に用いるブロムフェナク点眼液の抗炎症効果,視力変動,角膜上皮障害を2施設での186眼について検討した。ジクロフェナクの点眼をした108眼を対照として比較した。術後28日までの炎症と90日までの視力には,両群間に有意差がなかった。術後28日までの角膜上皮障害は,施設1ではジクロフェナク投与群にのみ生じ,施設2では両群間に差がなかったがジクロフェナク投与群にのみ重症例があった。以上の結果から,白内障術後の炎症と視力経過についてブロムフェナク点眼液はジクロフェナク点眼液と同様な効果があり,角膜上皮障害が少ないと評価される。
Abstract. We evaluated bromfenac ophthalmic solution regarding the clinical effect and complications following cataract surgery in 186 eyes in two institutions. Another series of 108 eyes receiving diclofenac served as control. There was no difference between the two groups regarding aqueous flare up to day 28 and visual acuity up to day 90 of surgery. Corneal epitheliopathy up to day 28 developed only in cases receiving bromfenac in institution A. Its incidence was the same in both groups in intitution B,but severe epitheliopathy occurred only in cases receiving diclofenac. The findings show that bromfenac is equally effective regarding postoperative inflammation and visual acuity as diclofenac and that bromfenac would induce lesser corneal epitheliopathy.

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