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要約 目的:九州大学眼科での最近20年間の強膜炎と上強膜炎の動向の報告。対象:2002年までの20年間に受診した強膜炎111例と上強膜炎59例を対象とした。結果:発症時の年齢は,強膜炎が52.4±16.5歳,上強膜炎が47.5±16.5歳であった。男女比はいずれも女性がやや多かった。強膜炎の病型は,びまん性58%,結節性17%,壊死性5%,後部強膜炎が20%であった。強膜炎と上強膜炎ともに片眼性が多く,眼合併症では虹彩炎,全身合併症では関節リウマチが多かった。結論:当科での強膜炎と上強膜炎は,性別,年齢,眼ならびに全身合併症は,従来の報告とほぼ一致している。日本では欧米よりもびまん性強膜炎が多い傾向がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To review scleritis and episcleritis during the past 20 years. Cases:This retrospective study comprised 111 cases of scleritis and 59 cases of episcleritis seen by us during 20 years through 2002. Results:Age at onset averaged 52.4±16.5 years for scleritis and 47.5±16.5 years for episcleritis. Women were more affected than men at the approxomate ratio of 3:4. The type of scleritis was diffuse in 58%,nodular in 17%,necrotizing in 5% and posterior in 20%. Unilateral involvement was more common than bilateral one both for scleritis and episcleritis. Iritis was the most frequent ocular complication and rheumatic arthritis was the most frequent systemic one. Conclusion:The present findings are almost consistent with previous reports regarding gender,age,ocular and systemic complications. Diffuse scleritis appears to be more common in the Japanese than in Caucasians.

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