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47歳男性に左眼眼痛が突発し,角膜異物が発見され除去した。角膜びらんが生じたが,点眼加療で6日後に軽快した。2週間後に左眼眼痛が再発し角膜びらんがあった。再発から14日目に菌糸が鏡検され,フルコナゾールとピマリシン点眼を開始した。20日目にFusarium sp.が同定され,24日目に角膜が穿孔した。40日目に保存強膜で穿孔部を被覆したが,網膜剝離と眼内炎になり内視鏡下で硝子体手術を行った。網膜は復位したが視力が光覚弁であり,角膜移植が検討されている。角膜異物後に発症した角膜炎または潰瘍では真菌感染の可能性があるので,早急に対処する必要がある。
A 47-year-old male developed acute pain in his left eye. Corneal foreign body was detected and removed. The ensuing corneal erosion was cured by topical medication 6 days later. Pain in his left eye 2 weeks later led to detection of corneal erosion. Fungus was found microscopically on day 14 after recurrence. Instillation of fluconazole and pimaricin was started.Fusarium sp. was identified by culture on day 20. Corneal perforation occurred on day 24. The perforated area was covered by preserved sclera on day 40. The ensuing endophthalmitis with retinal detachment was treated by endoscopic vitreous surgery. The visual acuity is light sensation after reattachment of the retina,suggesting the need of keratoplasty. This case illustrates that keratitis or corneal ulcer following corneal foreign body may be caused by fungal infection requiring prompt treatment.

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