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歩行困難な重度外反扁平足を呈した後脛骨筋腱機能不全・後期stage 2の4例4足(全例女性)に対して踵立方関節延長固定術(CCDA)と踵骨骨切り内側移動術(MDCO)を併用した手術療法を行った.年齢は平均63.3歳,経過観察期間は平均34.3カ月であった.手術前後の足部荷重位単純X線前後像および側面像からX線計測し,臨床評価には日本足の外科学会足部判定基準(JSSFスコア)を用いた.術後,各計測値は改善し,歩行困難であった患者全例が足底挿板を使用しているが,独歩可能となった.CCDAとMDCOを併用した手術療法は非常に有用な術式であった.
The subjects ware 4 patients (4 feet:1 right, 3 left) with late stage 2 posterior tibial tendon dysfunction (PTTD). All patients were women and were using a wheelchair at their first visit. Their average age was 63.3 years, and the mean follow-up period was 34.3 months. The operation consisted of calcaneocuboid distraction arthrodesis (CCDA) and medial displacement calcaneal osteotomy (MDCO). The radiographic evaluation included weight-bearing AP and lateral views were used in the clinical evaluation. All of the data had improved at follow-up. All patients were able to walk unassisted at follow-up. In treating severe flatfoot deformity caused by late stage 2 PTTD combination surgery consisting of CCDA and MDCO was very useful.

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