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抄録:小関節鏡を応用して小侵襲手術でガングリオンの治療を試みているので,その成績を報告する.対象ガングリオンは手関節60例,足関節2例,第1 MTP関節1例,手背2例,手掌1例である.手関節ガングリオンの手術成績は全摘出術より良好な成績であった.手背,足関節および第1 MTP関節も良好な経過であった.手掌屈筋腱周囲のガングリオン例も経過が短いが経過良好で,さらに経過観察が必要である.この方法は関節由来ガングリオンだけでなく,腱鞘ガングリオンにも有用で,手術瘢痕が小さく,今後さらに発展する可能性がある.
Minimally invasive treatment of ganglions was performed arthroscopically and endoscopically. Ganglion stalks connected to the joint alone were resected arthroscopically, or the tissue inside the cyst was resected endoscopically. Sixty cases of wrist joint ganglion, two cases of ankle joint ganglion, two cases of dorsal wrist ganglion, one case of first metatarsophalangeal joint ganglion, and one case of palmar ganglion were treated. The results of arthroscopic resection of wrist ganglions were better than the results of open resection.
Good results were obtained in other arthroscopically and endoscopically treated cases after short follow-up periods. These minimally invasive surgical procedures can be considered a surgical treatment of first choice for ganglions.

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