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A cace in which a ganglion developed after arthroscopic meniscal suture is reported. A 25-year-old woman injured her anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), medial meniscus, and lateral meniscus at 21 years of age. The ACL had been reconstructed with a bone-patella tendon-bone graft, and the medial meniscus had been sutured with 2-0 poly-filament nylon sutures. Four years after the meniscal repair, she developed a mass under the surgical scar, and an MRI scan of the knee showed a periarticular cyst. Arthroscopy revealed that the sutured meniscus had never healed. Both the mass and the unhealed meniscus were removed, and the nylon suture was found inside the cyst. Meniscal ganglion is not an uncommon condition, and degenration of a meniscus is sometimes associated with the development of an isolated meniscal ganglion. Meniscal cysts that form after meniscal repair have been reported to be caused by active fluid secretion after synovial cell invasion along the suture. However, histolongical examination showed no evidence of synovial cell development around the suture thread in our patient, and the meniscal ganglion may have developed as a result of degeneration of the meniscus itself.
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