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超音波検査にて興味深い所見を呈した左前頭部aneurysmal bone cystの31歳,女性症例を報告した。本症例では経頭蓋的超音波検査を施行し,B-modeにてCTやMRIと同様に本症で特徴的なfluid-fiuid levelsを観察できた。さらにpulse inversion harmonic imaging法(PIHI)の下で超音波造影剤を使用し,周辺組織から嚢腫内部へとエンハンスされる過程やその領域におけるregion of interest(ROI)設定部位でのtime intensity curve(TIC)を作成することができ,様々なTICパターンを観察した。
A 31-year-old female came to our hospital com-plaining of left frontal bulging with pain on 10 August 2000. The head x-p showed a radiolucent lesion and bulging at the same calvarial site. CT scan and MRI showed fluid-fluid levels, diploic cyst, deformity and hypertrophic calvarial change. There was a partial by-pervascular part of cyst adjacent to the left frontal base by selective left external carotid angiography.
Harmonic image is a contrast specific imaging mo-dality that uses the nonlinear properties of contrast agents by transmitting at the fundamental frequency and receiving at multiples of these frequencies.

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