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両側顔面神経麻痺の原因としては,Guillain-Barré症候群(GBS)やFisher症候群(FS)などのGBS関連疾患が多いとされる。われわれは,顔面神経麻痺を呈したGBS関連疾患4例(GBS 3例,FS 1例)を対象に3-DMRI撮影を行い,顔面神経障害の状態を観察した。対照はBell麻痺12例とした。撮像にはGE社製1.5TMR装置を使用し,3-D SPGR(spoiled GRASS)法を用いて顔面神経の造影効果をみた。
Bilateral facial paralysis (facial diplesia) is often ob-served in Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) and Fisher's syndrome (FS). We tried to observe injured facial nerves using three-dimensional (3-D) MRI in facial diplesia due to GBS and its variants and examinedfunction of blood nerve barrier and clinical use of 3-D MRI for detecting injured facial nerves.
In the four patients with GBS and its variants (GBS three cases, FS one case), while routine brain MRI did not show any abnormal findings, contrast-en-hanced 3-D MRI revealed Gd-enhancement of the fa-cial nerves.

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