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右同名性半盲発症後に半盲視野内複雑幻視が出現した73歳,女性例を報告した。MRIでは,左後頭側頭葉下面(舌状回,紡錘状回の一部を含む左側副溝周辺領域)にガドリニウムで増強される虚血性病変を認めた。SPECTでは,左後頭側頭葉の血流低下を認めた。幻視の消失に伴い,ガドリニウム増強効果は消失し,SPECTで側頭葉の血流は改善したが,MRI T2強調像では上記病変部位は高信号を示し,右同名性半盲は残存した。
We report a patient who presented with complex visual hallucinations in the right hemianopic field following an infarction in the left occipitotemporal base.
A 73-year-old right-handed woman developed right homonymous hemianopia. A week after its onset, she noticed a strange man with glasses, or a man wearing a gray hat and a black coat standing in the defective visual field. Such visual images later included a nurse, a large hand extending fromthe right side to the center, and many pieces of cloth descending from the roof. Most of these objects were unfamiliar to her, but may have been related to previous experiences.

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