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Germinoma,頭蓋内悪性リンパ腫および髄芽腫は頭蓋内腫瘍のなかでは放射線照射にきわめてよく反応する腫瘍であるが,治療上その効果は必ずしも一定ではなく,放射線に対する生物学的態度はそれぞれに多少異なっている。そこで,germinoma 10例,悪性リンパ腫9例,髄芽腫7例について,放射線照射に対する反応性を腫瘍線量と腫瘍体積の縮小率の関係から検討した。
A relationship between radiation dose and re-duction rate of tumor volume was studied in 10 pa-tients with germinoma, nine with malignant lym-phoma, and seven with medulloblastoma, in order to evaluate the effect of irradiation on these tu-mors.
Germinomas showed either mono- or biphasic reduction of the volume with increased radiation dose in semi-logarithmic expression, irrespective of their size. All patients are well without relapse except for one that was lost because of transfer.
The reduction rate of tumor volume was slightly less in malignant lymphomas and medulloblastomas than that in germinomas and the former two show-ed less uniformity of response to irradiation ac-cording to each case. Malignant lymphomas tended to regrow during irradiation period or early after the period and the effect of irrdiation seemed to be related to the size of the tumor. Medulloblasto-mas did not completely disappeared during irradia-tion period, but delayed effect of irradiation was recognized after the period.

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