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橋被蓋小梗塞により,one and a half症候群と末梢性顔面神経麻痺を呈した63歳の男性症例報告である。発症1週間後のMRIにて(TR 2000, TE 38),第4脳室底部に接する橋被蓋背側部に,前後径4mmの小病変が確認できた。このMRIは,剖検脳との対比より,ほぼ外転神経顔面神経繊維に限局した病変を示すものであった.
This is a case report of 63 year old men who presented one and a half syndrome with ipsilate-ral peripheral type facial palsy due to lacunar infarct. MRI taken one week after the onset (TR 2000, TE 38) demonstrated small high intensity lesion, 4 mm in diameter, located at the dorsal portion of pontine tegmentum, contacting with the floor of 4 th ventricle. This MRI coincides with the lesion limited to the abducens nucleus and genu of facial nerve. Traditionally, projections from the PPRF to the ipsilateral abducens nucleus and opposite MLF was postulated. Recently, how-ever, experiment on monkey and autopsy cases sho-wed projection from abducens nucleus, instead of PPRF, to the opposite MLF has been proposed. MRI findings in this case support the latter hypo-thesis. It is expected that, with the advent of MRI, more meticulous functional neuroanatomy will be developed.
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