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高血圧歴のない患者に発症した中脳・脳幹部出血により,著明な症候群を呈した2例について報告した。症例1は62歳女性で,中脳出血によるWeber症候群を呈し,脳血管撮影にてモヤモヤ病と診断された。保存的治療にて左片麻痺は徐々に改善されたが,右動眼神経麻痺はほとんど改善されなかった。症例2は24歳男性で,脳幹部出血によるOne and a half症候群を呈し,脳血管撮影およびMRI所見から海綿状血管腫によるものと診断された。減圧目的に緊急に血腫吸引除去術を行い,直後より神経症状の著明な改善が得られた。Weber症候群およびOne and a half症候群について,若干の文献的考察を加えた。
Two cases of well-known syndrome due to mid-brain-brain stem hemorrhage without having a history of hypertension were reported. Case 1 is a 62-year-old female, presenting Weber's syndrome due to midbrain hemorrhage and diagnosed as Moyamoya disease angiographically. Case 2 is a 24 -year-old-male, presenting One and a half syn-drome due to brain stem hemorrhage from a brain stem cavernous angioma, which was diagnosed angiographically and by magnetic resonance imag-ing (MRI) . Left hemiparesis seen in case 1 had improved by conservative therapy but no improve-ment could be obtained in the oculomotor nerve palsy. In case 2, hematoma was aspirated surgically for the purpose of decompression and his neuro-logical symptoms improved markedly. Their path-ogenesis and pathophysiology were also discussed.

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