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SIMULTANEOUS IN SITU DETECTION OF VIRAL ANTIGENS AND RNA IN BRAIN TISSUES FROM A PATIENT WITH HERPES SIMPLEX ENCEPHALITIS BY IMMUNOCYTOCHEMISTRY AND IN SITU HYBRIDIZATION Shozo Nakamura 1 , Shigeru Shimazaki 1 , Masaru Yoshioka 1 , Isao Nagano 1 , Tsuyoshi Sekizawa 1 , Kenichi Umene 2 1Department of Neurology, Institute of Brain Diseases, Tohoku University School of Medicine 2Department of Virology, School of Medicine, Kyushu University pp.1177-1184
Published Date 1989/12/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406206436
  • Abstract
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In order to elucidate the correlation between herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) and the central nervous system tissue, we performed the simul-taneous detection of viral antigens and RNA in the brain tissue sections from a patient with herpes simplex virus (HSV) encephalitis using immunocytochemistry and in situ hybridization.

In the present study the hybridization protocol reported by Brahic M et al.3) in 1984 were applied for the simultaneous detection of viral RNA and antigens with a few modification.

The sections were first immunocytochemically stained to detect HSV-1 antigens by ABC method, and then hybridized with 3H-labelled HSV-1 cDNA probe for the detection of RNA after the acetylation of slides for the prevention of non-specific bindings of isotope to slides.

In the present study, viral antigens were im-munocytochemically stained as brown-colored deposits located in the cytoplasm and nucleus whereas viral RNA were detected as the ac-cumulation of many silver grains over the nuclei or cytoplasm. In this case the light microscopic findings in a part of temporal lobe showed mul-tiple areas of necrosis mainly involving the graymatter and a few inflammatory changes such as perivascular cell cuffings.

HSV-1 infected Vero cells as positive control demonstrated both antigens and RNA as shown in Fig. 1 a. However, no hybridization signals and color deposits were observed in uninfected Vero cells.

In frozen brain tissue sections of herpes simplex encephalitis the viral antigen (VA) positive cells, containing brown-colored deposits located pri-marily in the cytoplasm, were widely distributed throughout the lesions of a part of gray matter (Fig. 2 a). Such VA positive cells were morpho-logically identified to be swollen neurons (Fig. 2 c, d), glial cells and endothelial cells. In addition, some of VA positvie cells have also hybridization signals over the nuclei, namely VA and RNA positive cells which were diffusely located close to VA positive cells (Fig. 2 d, e, f). Moreover, only RNA positive cells with numerous silver grains over the nuclei were predominantly dis-tributed at the neighborhood of VA positive cells and at the white matter (Fig. 2 b). As shown inFig. 2 d, it seems that the presence of many silver grains over the axon of a neuron indicates to transport viral RNA via axonal flow.

In quantitative analysis of HSV-1 infected cells of a part of gray matter, cells positive with VA were counted 23. 2% of total cells. Both VA and RNA positive cells and only RNA positive cells were detected 13. 4% and 18. 3% respectively. In addition, in a part of white matter VA and RNA positive cells and only RNA cells were found 9. 3% and 41. 7% although there was not detected VA positive cells (Table 1).

We concluded that the HSV infects the various kind of cells composed of brain tissues and shows the various stages of infection, namely ; VA posi-tive cells, VA and RNA positive cells and only RNA positive cells. Moreover, it may be con-sidered that these various stages of infected cells are developed according to many factors such as different kind of cells, infectious routes and host immune responses.

Copyright © 1989, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


