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IN SITU NICK TRANSLATION FOR DETECTION OF DNA DAMAGES IN GLIOMA CELLS Takuyu Taki 1 , Norio Arita 1 , Tooru Hayakawa 1 , Hirosi Yamamoto 1 , Syuuiti Izumoto 1 , Takanori Oonisi 1 , Heitaro Mogami 1 1Department of Neurosurgery, Osaka University pp.1065-1070
Published Date 1989/11/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406206418
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DNA damaging agents such as nitrosoureas are widely used for the treatment of malignant glio-mas. Therefore, quantitative measurement of DNA damages induced by antineoplastic drugs is useful to judge the efficacy of the drug and understand the pharmacological action of the drug. We have utilized in situ nick translation method to demon-strate "nicks" in DNA of glioma cells treated by various antineoplastic agents. Exponentially gro-wing rat 9L glioma cells (4x104) were seeded in the chamber slide. After fourty eight hours, the medium was changed to that containing various concentration of the drug (ACNU, cis-DDP, BLM, ADM and VP-16) and the cell was treated for 1 hour. Then, the cell was fixed for 10 minutes in methanol-acetic acid (v/v 3: 1). Following fixation, the cell was incubated in the nick translation mix-ture containing E. coli DNA polymerase I, 3H-TTP, and 4 dNTP's (ATP, GTP, CTP, CTP and TTP) for 10 minutes at room temparature. The slide was dipped in the autoradiographic emulsion, exposed for 4 days at 4°C, and then developed, the number of the silver grains over nuclei was coun-ted under the microscope. For comparison of the effect of the drug to glioma cells, IC50 (inhibitory concentration of the drug for 50% cell kill) of each drug was determined by treating the cell for 48 hours at the various concentration of the drug. Small number of the silver grains was noted in cells with no treatment. Over IC50 as the concen-tration of the drug increased, the number of the nick increased in cells treated with bleomycin or adriamycin which are known to produce single strand breaks in DNA. However, no such correla-tion between the number of nicks and drug concen-tration was observed in cells treated by either ACNU or VP-16. These results demonstrated that the DNA damage in cells produced by antineopla-stic agents is quantitatively evaluated by in situ nick translation method. Furthermore, the in situ pharmacological action of these agents is able to be assessed in the cells. Evidence obtained would indi-cate a possible clinical application of the present method to drug sensitivity test for gliomas.

Copyright © 1989, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


