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CAPILLARY PERMEABILITY FACTOR PRODUCED BY C6 GLIOMA CELLS: ROLE IN PERITUMORAL BRAIN EDEMA AND POSSIBLE MECHANISM OF GLUCOCORTICOID ACTION Takanori Ohnishi 1 , Toru Hayakawa 1 , Norio Arita 1 , Heitaro Mogami 1 , Yukitaka Ushio 2 , William R Shapiro 3 1Department of Neurosurgery, Osaka University Medical School 2Department of Neurosurgery, Kumamoto University Medical School 3Department of Neurology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center pp.1141-1147
Published Date 1989/11/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406206429
  • Abstract
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We studied whether C6 glioma cells produce a diffusible factor that increases capillary permeabi-lity of rat brains. Culture supernatant after 4 ho-urs' incubation of C6 glioma cells in serum-free medium was obtained (SUP-N). SUP-N was con-centrated 80-fold by dialysis-concentration (MW cut off was 10 kd) (SUP-C). These two supernat-ant fractions were tested for capillary permeability activity by their infusion into normal rat brains (right caudate-putamen). Control materials (MEM or concentrated MEM) were also infused into the left caudate-putamen as well as supernatants. Ca-pillary permeability was measured by a quantita-tive autoradiographic method with 14C-aminoisobu-tyric acid (AIB) and expressed as an unidirectional blood-to-brain transfer constant (K). Effects of in-fusates were quantitatively estimated by two para-meters, i. e., the highest K value (Kmax) (Ati/g/min) and the spatial extent (D1/2) (mm). The protein concentration of SUP-N and SUP-C was 15 and 950 respectively. SUP-N showed a slight increase of capillary permeabilty, particularly, aro-und the needle track (infusion site) in the brain, but it was not significantly different from the con-trol on the value of Kmax. On the other hand, SUP-C markedly increased capillary permeability (Kmax ; SUP-C : 10. 83±0. 99, control : 2. 53 ± 0. 22, p<. 001) and the effect was much more extensive than that of SUP-N (D1/2 ; SUP-C: 2. 23±0. 26, SUP-N : 0. 83±0. 07). A factor in SUP-C increased capillary permeability after a lag phase of L5 hours reaching the maximum after 6 hours of infusion, and 24 hours later the effect declined to 30% of Kmax at 6 hours. Pretreatment of dexamethasone (10 mg/kg, ip) 1 hour before SUP-C infusion signi-ficantly inhibited the increase of capillary perme-ability (Kmax) induced by SUP-C, but pretreat-ment of indomethacin (6 mg/kg, ip) did not. On the other hand, the spatial effect of SUP-C on ca-pillary permeability was not altered by either de-xamethasone or indomethacin pretreatment. These results indicate that C6 glioma cells produce a pro-tein factor of molecular weight more than 10 kd which increases capillary permeability of normal rat brain. Corticosteroid hormones inhibit the ef-fect of the factor possibly at the level of capillary endothelial cells not through inhibiting the synthe-sis of prostaglandins.

Copyright © 1989, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


