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抄録 Transthyretin (TTR,プレァルブミンと同意語)に対する特異抗体を用いて,ヒト正常脳および84例の脳腫瘍におけるTTRの局在を免疫組織化学的に検索した。ヒト正常脳では,脈絡叢上皮細胞に強陽性に染色されたが,脳室上衣細胞,グリア細胞,神経細胞などでは全く陰性であった。脳腫瘍では,choroid plexus papilloma (CPP)の10例全例に陽性反応を呈したが他の脳腫瘍(特にCPPとの鑑別にて時に問題になるpapillary ependymoma 2例も含む)では全て陰性であった。CPPでの染色パターンは,ほとんどすべての細胞が陽性反応を示すものから,一部の細胞が陽性を示すものまで様々であった。以上の結果より,TTRは中枢神経系では正常脈絡叢およびCPPのマーカーとしての有用性が示唆された。
Immunohistochemical examination of trans-thyretin (TTR), which is known to be synthesized in the epithelial cells of the choroid plexus as well as in the liver cells, was carried out on normalbrain tissues and 84 human brain tumors, using a peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) technique. TTR was demonstrated diffusely and strongly in the cytoplasm of normal choroid plexus cells, but not in ependyma and other tissues of normal brain. In all of 10 choroid plexus papillomas, TTR was found within the cytoplasm of tumor cells. In contrast, neither the two papillary ependymonas nor any other brain tumors contained TTR. Among the choroid plexus papillomas, some cases showed clear positive reactions in almost all tumor cells, while others had only a few TTR-positive cells. With these immunohistochemical findings, TTR proved a very useful marker of normal choroid plexus and choroid plexus papilloma.

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